We're back

We just spent two weeks out of the country. We did a cruise out of Copenhagen, Denmark. It was a 10 day cruise on Holland America. I enjoyed myself...A LOT! We flew into Copenhagen about 2 days before the cruise, then stayed 3 days after the cruise. We were lucky enough to find a direct flight from our area straight to Copenhagen. That made the trip a bit easier - no worry about connecting flights. But it was also harder - 9 hour flight. At least we could sleep through part of it. And I must say SAS business class (expensive) was worth it.

We actually did the cruise with a group of people all interested in Opera. It was a group of about 75 people, that was just our small group within the cruise ship. We met lots of people. It was a lot of fun. We had a couple of group meetings and learned about "divas". We also had a couple of group excursions - in St. Petersburg, Russia to the Hermitage and to the Marinsky Opera house to see Tosca and an excursion in Helsinki, Finland to hear a recital at the opera house and to see the home of Jean Sibeius. Since I'm new to opera this was all new stuff for me, fun and interesting.

The cruise started in Copenhagen, then went to Tallin, Estonia. From there it was off to St. Petersburg where we had an overnight stay. We also went to Helsinki, Finland, Stockholm, Sweden, Arhus, Denmark, and Oslo, Norway. I'd never been to any of these stops so all of it was new and fascinating to me. I will say the people overall were friendly, helpful and wonderful to meet. I also tried new foods when I could. Some were interesting, fun but interesting.

I took a lot of pictures but still have load them, so it may be a while before I get them up.

07/22 Pictures are up.


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