
Showing posts from 2008

What a summer

It has been a strange summer here in the Seattle area. We've had some days of warm weather, but not much. Its been a cool summer, and rainy for August. It actually has seemed like a very short summer here. And what makes it so weird is that we've gone from some absolutely beautiful days to rainy days. But even our absolutely beautiful days have not lasted for long. We didn't really get much in the way of hot weather, but we have had a few days. We even, just a couple of weeks ago, got hot enough days (an inversion layer) to exceed smog standards. Kind of weird to have happen with all the cool weather we've had, but it happened. But today, nearing the end of August it was cool with only a slight amount of rain this morning. But it seems like its been such a cool summer. It also seems like its gone by so fast. Maybe is just me, but it seems like this summer has gone by really fast. It almost seems sad to see it go by so quickly. But such is life. Gotta live ...
Well, we made it through July 4th. Its been really strange weather. Its still been cool, more aptly put cold. It rained July 3rd, so I'm sure that made the firefighters happy. On the fourth we had a slight drizzle, but not much. And so it was cool, not really warm. Today, the 7th, it still hasn't really warmed up. Hopefully it will. They said we should have warm weather this week. I'm hoping they are right. It would be nice. Friday, 7/11 is the start of the sales of the new iPhone 3G. I'm not sure if I will be in line to get one or not. They have not yet said much about how they are going to handle these sales. But the rumors are bouncing around like balls about how they will handle it. Some rumors say they will be open early, like 8AM. Some rumors say they will only allow one per person, who knows. But dear hubby may be the one waiting and standing in line for them. We do want to get them for each of us. But we'll see what they will allow us to do...
Brrrrr, its cold. This is the coldest start to June the Seattle area has had in a long time like since 1891. We had snow in the passes last week and it now June 13 and where I live we didn't hit 60 today even though they said it was supposed to be warmer. Well, technically they were correct. It was colder by about 5 degrees earlier this week, but it doesn't rate warm yet. I'm still wearing polar fleece, you don't see a lot of shorts and sandals, no tank tops yet but lots of jackets. I know summer starts next week, but we're a bit late on the weather following it here. Its still cold. I know, its not like Seattle is known for warm hot weather, but a bit warmer here would be nice. Brrrr.
This week I had the funniest thing happen and I just had to write about it. I was working on my computer, doing school work. My husband was outside working. He calls me and tells me to bring my car keys and come outside immediately. I get worried if he asks for my car keys, he doesn't drive my car much. Well, I get outside and find that a pair of wrens have built a nest in my car. They built it behind the front grill but in front of the radiator. It took them all of about 4 days to build it. But they did a good job. We ended up taking the car to the dealership to get the front grill off, just to be on the safe side. The service guys came out, didn't understand that there was a bird nest behind the grill. As soon as they took the front grill off there was the bird nest taking up over 1/3 the space. It went half way up the front and then spread (think triangle shaped) to both sides of the radiator area. I'm sure my radiator was glad I got rid of it too. But I di...
I know, its been a while since my last post. Its now the end of March. In late Jan. through mid Feb. we were gone. Had a cruise, a trip to WA, then another cruise. We were gone almost a month. It was interesting living out of a suitcase that long. It was fun packing too. Cruises to warm places then a week and a half in WA with snow still melting. At least we had clothes in WA that took care of most of the cold. So it wasn't too bad. The only bad part was I got sick the day after we landed in WA. That flu was the pits. It took a couple of weeks to get all the way over it. It just wanted to linger. Then we got back to TX and had a business meeting. I was expecting a low key, casual meeting. Two days before the meeting they mention that all the men will be in suits - not exactly casual. I had to scramble a bit for clothes but the meeting was interesting and I'm glad I went. No I'm not a man, but the women were dressed for business too so I really couldn't w...