They didn't say how much rain, but we are getting some light rain again. We're not even up to a quarter of an inch, but at least its a slow light soaking rain. The ground will be happy even if we don't get a lot of water into the tanks.
One interesting lesson - we had a green breathable plant blanket covering a set of plants. The plants were under a PVC frame, then the plant blanket on top of the PVC frame. Well, it may be breathable, but not a lot of water got to the plants. The center of the plant blanket, where water collected in a pool, was letting a small drip of water thru. We had a pool of water on top of the blanket. We just went outside to take the blanket off and realized that we had quite a pool of water on top of the blanket. Interesting thing to remember. They may be good blankets to keep frost off of the plants, but they don't necessarily let a lot of moisture thru them.
Yesterday we had to go to Home Depot. I picked up a new pot for the lemon tree and two blackberry plants. They are small blackberry plants, the inexpensive $8, in paper cup kind of plant. They seem to be essentially bare roots stuck in dirt - definitely dormant plants. I have them soaking in water, but I don't think they will get potted today. I did repot the lemon tree, and in the process used most of the potting mix I had. So hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I can go pick up more potting soil and pot the blackberries.
Yesterday I also ordered a raised bed system. I ordered it from Gardeners Supply. I ordered:
3 X 3 foot raised bed
liner for the bed
garden hoops - not sure if I will need them but I figured I could use them to keep critters out
grow bags - I've never used them but they might be useful to grow things in.
I also ordered some seeds from Park Seeds. Actually I ordered a whole mess of seeds from Park Seed. One problem I'm finding here is that Home Depot and Lowes seem to sell on a national date system. What do I mean by that? Well, here we have a long growing season. Our average first frost is November 21-30, and our last frost date is March 11-20. So we can grow frost free at least 8 months out of the year. But right now, early January, both stores have little to nothing available. So if you want to start plants in a greenhouse, and I have a greenhouse I can use, you can't get much out there. They don't even have much in the way of pots to purchase. So I ordered stuff online. I'll try to order roses sometime soon. Those will have to go into pots, otherwise they are deer candy.
One interesting lesson - we had a green breathable plant blanket covering a set of plants. The plants were under a PVC frame, then the plant blanket on top of the PVC frame. Well, it may be breathable, but not a lot of water got to the plants. The center of the plant blanket, where water collected in a pool, was letting a small drip of water thru. We had a pool of water on top of the blanket. We just went outside to take the blanket off and realized that we had quite a pool of water on top of the blanket. Interesting thing to remember. They may be good blankets to keep frost off of the plants, but they don't necessarily let a lot of moisture thru them.
Yesterday we had to go to Home Depot. I picked up a new pot for the lemon tree and two blackberry plants. They are small blackberry plants, the inexpensive $8, in paper cup kind of plant. They seem to be essentially bare roots stuck in dirt - definitely dormant plants. I have them soaking in water, but I don't think they will get potted today. I did repot the lemon tree, and in the process used most of the potting mix I had. So hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I can go pick up more potting soil and pot the blackberries.
Yesterday I also ordered a raised bed system. I ordered it from Gardeners Supply. I ordered:
3 X 3 foot raised bed
liner for the bed
garden hoops - not sure if I will need them but I figured I could use them to keep critters out
grow bags - I've never used them but they might be useful to grow things in.
I also ordered some seeds from Park Seeds. Actually I ordered a whole mess of seeds from Park Seed. One problem I'm finding here is that Home Depot and Lowes seem to sell on a national date system. What do I mean by that? Well, here we have a long growing season. Our average first frost is November 21-30, and our last frost date is March 11-20. So we can grow frost free at least 8 months out of the year. But right now, early January, both stores have little to nothing available. So if you want to start plants in a greenhouse, and I have a greenhouse I can use, you can't get much out there. They don't even have much in the way of pots to purchase. So I ordered stuff online. I'll try to order roses sometime soon. Those will have to go into pots, otherwise they are deer candy.