Has Spring sprung?

Not sure if spring is here, but it might be. There's no cold in the 10 day forecast. We do have thunderstorms likely, but that's it. And knowing this area it remains to be seem if that happens.  It might, but we'll see.

But on a good note I have put in some tomatoes and peppers I picked up at Home Depot over the weekend.  This time I put cages around them as we put them in the ground.  I do need to put a few marigold seeds in.  I think the marigolds helped keep out bugs last year, so it would be good to put them in this year. And hopefully putting tomatoes plants in this early should help us get an earlier crop.  We'll see about that, but we'll also keep our fingers crossed too.

But the weather has been nice, 60's to 70's, but only the low 70's as a high. And the nights have been in the 50's so I thought it would be good to get the planting starting.  Pat moved the lemon trees out of the greenhouse and into the yard. One of them already has begun getting flowers. I'm hoping we get some rain and they can get a good soaking. I may add fertilizer just to be on the safe side. The lemon trees may appreciate that.

Since Pat was over this weekend we also had him replant the 5 roses. They really needed to be put into bigger pots. I'm sure their growth has been stunted in the small pots they were in. Hopefully they'll grow more now. 

I'll try to take some pictures so show where plants are this year.  But that will depend on if we actually get rain in the next day or so.


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