Summer is not quite over

It is still hot over here. But this week we are due for some cooling weather - down to the 80's. And possible rain. But the real way you know the weather is changing - the tomato plants are coming back to life. I pull out the dead corn, cleared out the cucumbers, and cut back the marigolds. I need to cut back of the the melons, but it was just too hot. But this weekend I did some weeding and feeding in the garden. Which is good because it looks like its growing season again. It seems too hot, but I'm found a lot of new growth on lots of the plants.

Since I cleaned out dead stuff I went ahead and planted more seeds. I put in bok choy, beets, beans, acorn squash, fennel, carrots, and some broccoli. According to Mother Earth News app this is the time to start planting these guys. I also got some seed for cabbage, swiss chard, and onions. I'll put those in the ground tomorrow. I may put in some other things that should grow this time of year too. Some spinach would be nice. I'm also doing some additional hand watering that is probably helping things grow.

The zucchini plant has lots of small zucchinis, the tomato plants are covered in green tomatoes just starting to ripen, and the jalapeno pepper plant is still producing peppers. So the garden is not done yet. Don't give up hope on your garden. Here there really are two growing seasons. And the second season is starting now.


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