We got rain!
The garden is starting to come together nicely. I recently signed up for The Old Farmer's Almanac Garden Planner. They send out emails with Your Personalized Planting Reminders telling you when to plant seed or sow indoors. I figured I would give it a try and see if I have better luck with my garden. Its nice because they seem to send out emails only weekly or every two weeks. So you don't get a lot of emails, but they are very time sensitive. So when you get them, they are do now kind of information. So we'll see how it goes.
Following TOFAGP Pat and I have put in a lot of seed. We've already got tomatoes in the ground, peas, beans, more asparagus, more strawberries, collard greens, swiss chard, and we even got corn in already. We'll see how they do.
Another thing that has happened is the apple trees have fruit. We have lots of little apples on the trees. We transplanted the stupid plum (it needs a new name - maybe survivor?) to the area with the other fruit trees. Its short, but full of blossoms. The other plum also is getting its blossoms. The pear is starting to send out new shoots so blossoms are on the way. We may have to build a cage or something around the fruit trees to help us keep the fruit. Last year we lost fruit to the squirrels. I'd like to keep some fruit this year.
We also put in a berm in the back to see if it will help with the rain flow. Since we got rain starting last night, we'll finally see how it works. I also think the new walk path will help with water flowing down. But overall the yard looks good and this rain is much appreciated. The weather forecast says we should have light/heavy rain all day and into tonight. We might even have rain tomorrow. We'll see.
Following TOFAGP Pat and I have put in a lot of seed. We've already got tomatoes in the ground, peas, beans, more asparagus, more strawberries, collard greens, swiss chard, and we even got corn in already. We'll see how they do.
Another thing that has happened is the apple trees have fruit. We have lots of little apples on the trees. We transplanted the stupid plum (it needs a new name - maybe survivor?) to the area with the other fruit trees. Its short, but full of blossoms. The other plum also is getting its blossoms. The pear is starting to send out new shoots so blossoms are on the way. We may have to build a cage or something around the fruit trees to help us keep the fruit. Last year we lost fruit to the squirrels. I'd like to keep some fruit this year.
We also put in a berm in the back to see if it will help with the rain flow. Since we got rain starting last night, we'll finally see how it works. I also think the new walk path will help with water flowing down. But overall the yard looks good and this rain is much appreciated. The weather forecast says we should have light/heavy rain all day and into tonight. We might even have rain tomorrow. We'll see.