Well its been nice weather

Its been so nice the fruit trees are trying to bud. Not the best time for that. But the weather has been mild, even though some nights have gotten down to 35 or so.

Planting reminders (old farmers almanac emails):
Under cover or indoors - start seeds now:
broccoli, summer cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, kale, leeks, leaf lettuce, onion, peas, peppers, spinach, large tomatoes.

We started most of these outside in the garden since the weather has been mild (no eggplant or leeks). If we actually get cold I'll cover them. But I'm not expecting that.

We did have some problems with our watering system. We had a pipe leak and had to get it fixed. We actually lost quite a bit of water (almost drained the tanks) from that. Luckily after we got it fixed we got rain so the tanks are full again. That was not a good experience. But we are back up and running again, sort of. The pumps used to be able to be started by an app on the cell phone. Well that is not running so we have to go manually start up the pump. Basically we just have to hit the button to start them up so its not a big deal really. Its just we cannot do it remotely. Not the end of the world.


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