Yes, its over 100 degrees here. If you're wondering why you haven't heard from me its because not much is happening in the yard. We've been hovering in the high 90's with the nights barely lowering to the mid 70's, and the yard is just trying to stay alive. We've lost the squash plants, and the peas and bean plants. Its just too hot. But the carrots are staying alive, and the swiss chard is hanging on.

We also realized we had one other funny problem. As you might recall my DS took ill about 9 months ago. We had a friend helping in the yard. For the winter we had closed off water valves so they didn't freeze. Well we forgot to turn some of them on. We recently spent some time going thru the watering system and finally go everything turned back on. Which was good to do as its been simply hot. So hopefully we won't lose much of anything. We have had to make some replacements. The soaker hose in the yard died - actually it broke. And some of the water heads need to be replaced. Nothing horrendous to do, but with this heat we need to get it done and quickly. Since August is our hottest month usually, we're just trying to keep everything alive until we begin cooling down.

Hopefully we've managed to do that and in the fall we'll have more things growing. I'm already thing about what to begin planting for the fall. It can't come too soon.


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