2015 growing list

Weird weather the past few days.  How weird, you ask. Sunday night hit a low of 27. Today, Tuesday we had a high of 75, and tomorrow night, Wednesday night we are due for a low of 22.  Definite swings in temperatures.

Pat came over last weekend and help with some yard work. He worked on the trees some more and turned over a couple of the veggie beds. Since all the tomatoes are finally dead and pulled out of the ground, I figured we should turn the soil over. That take a good back, strong arms, and a pitch fork. I don't have that strong of a back, nor that strong of arms, we do have the pitch fork. I worked the small corner where the basil was (should be for salad lettuce), and worked the beds around what is still growing (some lettuce, onions, asparagus). Today I did a little more work in those beds and put some lettuce seeds in the area around the other lettuce. I figured now is as good as any, especially since the lettuce is growing still. I also transplanted a few lettuce plants I found growing in the yard - lost, washed away seed I'm sure.

I'm starting to think about what to plant this year. I want to do corn again, and Bill has said I should have a cage by the time I need to plant. But since two beds won't be in the caged area, I figure I can put peppers and things the squirrels stayed away from.

Things I want to plant:
  • corn
  • peppers
  • tomatoes
  • lettuce
  • beets
  • broccoli
  • basil (fewer plants this time)
  • beans (think green beans)
  • blueberries
  • bok choy
  • carrots
  • chives (not garlic chives, regular)
  • lettuce, endive, arugula, kale (yes I know I have some growing already)
  • melons - watermelon, cantaloupe
  • onions (yes I know I have them growing already)
  • parsley
  • peas
  • potatoes
  • spinach (just put in some seeds)
  • squash
  • tomatillos
I will need to order seeds for a few of these and plants for the blueberries. But that's my goal for this year.


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